Pre-stamp and stampless
1799 - three wrappers from July to September each bearing fine strikes of the scarce experimental..
1841 an entire wrapper addressed to Rochester, New York, U.S.A. bearing on front the Kirkwall, Or..
1849 an entire wrapper from Hamnavoe, West Burra, Shetland addressed to Edinburgh with an 1841 1d..
1847 stampless entire wrapper addressed to Edinburgh and rated at "1" in red manuscript on front ..
1826, April 19th, an entire wrapper addressed to East Dereham, Norfolk, from Douglas, Isle of Man..
1842 entire letter with interesting content sent from Arbroath, Scotland, to Auckland, New Zealan..
1851 an entire wrapper addressed to Lochmaddy, North Uist, charged at "2" in manuscript and beari..
1858 an entire wrapper addressed to Ohio, U.S.A. from the tiny post office at "Kenethmont" statio..
1848 an entire wrapper addressed to Lerwick rated at "1" in red manuscript from Baltasound, Islan..
1804 20th November, an entire wrapper addressed to Lossiemouth, Elgin, rated at “9” in manusc..
1807 entire wrapper from Portsmouth addressed to "Uiginish, Skye, N.B. via Edinburgh and Dunvegan..
1807 entire from Glasgow to Ayr with circular "Post Paid" handstamp in black. Cover dated by a "s..
1817 an entire wrapper from Demerara dated for 20th April 1817 addressed to Strath Aird, Isle of ..
1819 a printed and illustrated hand-coloured "Valentine" wrapper being addressed to Fraserburgh r..
1828 an entire wrapper addressed to St Ives from Bridport, being rated “Pd 7” in red manuscri..
1829 an entire wrapper addressed to Edinburgh bearing on reverse a superb strike of the boxed "Le..
1830 an entire wrapper addressed to Inverness from Edinburgh being rated on front at "3/-" togeth..
1838 entire wrapper addressed to Kirkwall, Orkney Islands, from Lerwick, Shetland Islands, endors..
1834 an entire wrapper from Swansea to Yarmouth rated at “1/1” in red manuscript, which was s..
1839 3rd April, an entire wrapper from Perth addressed to “Doctor R.J. Barr at Richmond, Island..